CiaoAI-Our mission is to enable a safe, transparent, and universally accessible Market Making Bot System
CiaoAI Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd is the leading software engineering company of Market Making in Blockchain ecosystem, Headquartered in Kaitu Development Building, Kowloon, Hong Kong, with offices in Shenzhen and Beijing.
CiaoAI offers an essential SaaS service to the digital asset ecosystem. Our Bot uses sophisticated trading algorithms that automatically quote prices on both the buy and the sell side of the order book of a crypto exchange. These crypto market-making algorithms make sure that the “spread”is not too large, and that the order book of the crypto exchange is filled on several levels, and more volume everyday and perfect Candle Chart of your tokens.
No crypto exchange can survive without Market making providers, no token can be successful without adequate liquidity. Crypto traders and investors will only be attracted by tokens whose spread is narrow and liquidity and volume are sufficient. A Bot of Market making is essential for this, which is smart automation AI assistant for ambitious Projects.
CiaoAI’s award winning crypto market-making Bot is seamless, quick and easy. We are connected to over 140 crypto exchanges and have crypto liquidity provision algorithms for both liquid tokens such as BTC,ETH, etc and highly illiquid new tokens.
© Copyright 2017 CiaoLab Artificial Intelligence Technology and Investment Co., Ltd.